
kids will build self-confidence, discipline, and most importantly,
have fun

At The Academy we have specialized kids programs in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, no-gi grappling, and kickboxing five days per week. Our programs aren't play-time though we do use a game-centered teaching program to better have our kids in a mindset to learn.

Our kids learn real Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and real kickboxing techniques. While these techniques are simplified, they are not watered down.

Our goals are not only to increase their discipline, fitness levels, and ability to defend themselves but also to be ready to work seamlessly into our adult classes when they become old enough. Our classes are for children between the ages of 6 (depending on their maturity) and 14-years-old.

Our instructors have years of experience teaching martial arts to children. Our head instructors (or coaches) are all parents and many of our assistant coaches have either graduated from the kids classes into the adult classes or are senior students with a passion for teaching and helping our kids.


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